Pubblicata il 05/12/2016

Tempio Pausania - Retired 71-year-old and save his wife. AFTER A brief escape and search with a helicopter, and state arrested


Tempio Pausania: towards the end of the morning today, a Fact news has shocked the city. A 71-year-old man, with his wife Separated by just a few months, has citofonato to the home bell SAME. To OPEN the door and State His Own son Massimo What attempted to stop him. The man, however, was able to force a shoot three shots of gunfire a wife USA, hitting her in the arm, a foot and a UN knee. The woman is hospitalized in conditions not in gravi Hospital. AFTER A search of the Carabinieri with a helicopter, Man and the State identified are found near the area where it has done the deed, and State and arrested. The Done It happened in Piazza Serra Sirigo.


Written by: Maurizio Savigni